Dress Code


Our school uniform vendor is FrenchToast.com. Monday to Thursday uniforms are available for order through the vendor. The Friday T-shirt is available for purchase in the DLA office. Visit www.FrenchToast.com or 1-800-FRENCHTOAST (373-6248), enter School source code: QS5QBNI

  • PRESCHOOL (Mon –Thurs): Burgundy polo shirt (with school logo) worn on khaki pants, skirt/skort or jumper. Shoes: Closed-toe Rubber Tennis
  • ELEMENTARY (Mon –Thurs): Yellow oxford shirt (with school logo) worn on navy blue pants, jumper or plaid skirt and a tie. Shoes: Black closed-toe
  • FRIDAY: Uniform: Purple DLA T-shirt for all classes. T-shirts are also worn during summer camp. Available for purchase in the school office